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The 21st century is the time for people on Earth
to discover Roger Munk and his Skycat Family.
Time to create fresh gardens, fresh flowers, fresh
fruits. So the beautiful planet Earth will be
reborn to live a sound and joyfull life once more.

I discovered Mr. Roger Munk in 2002 and by
now it's 4 years that I am a witness to his
nonstop work for a better life. A life needless of
30 people groundcrew to pull down an Airship.

Living in the Sky is the best, for when we live
on Earth without stepping on it, new trees and
plants can come out of soil naturally and when
we feed the soil with SunMar compost, we will
harvest better flowers and fruits. Therefor I
would like to invite all my friends to visit
Roger Munk's website and try to be in London
on November 21st 2006 to meet him and hear his
Voice and Words about the Skycat Family in the
International gathering of the Airship
I joined the Airship Association in 2003 and
learned a lot about living in the Sky and will
one day move to it. The day that Mr. Munk uses
the light photovoltaic solar cells that Mr. Hans
Gochermann is producing for more than 40
years in Germany. The day that united clean
minded inventors choose to interact instead of
compete. The day British and Germans look at
Royal Iran fairly as well as friendly.
Now that every school child knows Solar, Wind
and Water are the best Energy sources for
reviving the life on Earth.

Now is the time that United Europe and United
States teach the people in 1st, 2nd and 3rd world
how to use a combination of Solar Towers,
SolKav and Photovoltaic mirrors instead of Oil,
Gas, Atom and Coal, on the Skyscreen of Skycats.

Now that Germany has calculated by puting
photovoltaic cells on 5% of the roofs, they can
become Energy independent.
Now that we know Iran is located on the
Earthquake belt of Earth and Atomic plants and
transportation of radio-active material can
create a Tragedy on Earth.
Now that the SolKav Energy system has been
used by millions of people in Europe.
Now that America is giving support to people
to become Energy independent.
Now that Shell Oil company is presenting Solar
Oven and NL Universities won 3 times the first
place in Australia Solar Challenge.
Now that Australia is making Solar Sailor.
Now that Gochermann Solar can be used by
Airships as well as for cars.

Wouldn't it be wise, safe and economical
to share, sell and give Solar Information
to Iranian people?

During the past 3 years when European
diplomats were talking to the invaders in Iran
and the oil companies were cashing more and
more profit, whether the price was going up or
coming down, We, opposition to the j s that
claims to be government, were trying to
inform people -including diplomats- that what
was considered science fiction in 1954 is reality
In the last Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke writes that
to benefit from Solar Energy we have to
use a combination of Solar technologies and not
burn the planet with Sunshine.
Solar tower is combination of wind catchers and
fans and the best way to produce enough food
for people by adding indoor vegetable, berries
and flower gardens around it.

This is my request to the European Parliament:
to consider a Solar Iran and not looking at my
birth place as suitable for dumping Chinese,
Russian and European outdated and dangrous
I think it's the responsibility of the Government
of Germany to care for their Siemens outdated
Atomic plants in Iran. Pick them up and recycle
them, so we can hand out a better planet to th e
New Generations.

Iran Googoosh Pahlavi Dynasty

Solar Water Pump

Solar Kaveh Elaahi

Royal Iran Peyman Solar Cooker

Iran Rumi Solar Hat

Iran Siavash Pirouz Nader

Royal Iran Lighter than Air

Royal Iran Alternative Energies

Solar Ceramic Emergency Shelter

Solar Fun Fan

0:36Am November 3rd 2006

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