Save Water and you will be saving Pasargod

We have to build ceramic water ways

In Hot and dry regions of Earth

Like in Central and southern parts of Iran

For gardening and farming.

To prevent more than 70% of the water

Going up, as steam

We have to realize

That Sivand dam project is wrong!!

And should immediately stop.

We can make a wall on the way of the

Rush of water in spring from the

Mountain snow tops and dig the ground at the north side of it.

So we will be collecting the water for the hot and dry summer time.

This is how our ancestors thought and practiced for thousands of years.

In hot dry climate wisdom says: use Taraawaa water tubes to save more than 70% on your water bill.

Taraawaa tubes are made of light plastic with small holes to let the water to the roots and are placed 30centimeter below the surface of the ground.

One of the herbs that is good food for human with a high market demand and can be grown in pars is Saffron.

Solar cookers, Ovens and composters work perfect in Pars climate.

Dear Iranian friends please visit Bambooweb