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M. : My name is Minuvash, Amouzandeh Fahimeh and I
am calling you from Amsterdam. I am the director of Fresh
Air Interactive on the Internet. Who am I speaking to?

H. : What is the purpose of your calling?

M. : Well, I wanted to speak to Mr. Hans or Mr. Oliver, that
I discovered their website about a couple of days ago,
offering solar technology for the airship.

H. : Yes, I am Hans Gochermann.

M. : Very glad to hear you, Mr Gochermann. I would like to
know what is the practicality of the solar airship at this

H. : The quality?

M. : The practicality. Like, are you making one, have you
made a model?

H. : No, we are only the deliverer of solar powered gliders.
In the past there were several gliders where we provided the
solar panels. We are a manufacturer of solar panels. So
there are nowadays several other gliders or aircrafts or
solar powered gliders in construction for different purposes.

M. : Are you familiar with the work of Mr. Munk? He is the
designer of the SkyYacht and SkyCat family, the airships
that are amphibious. They have a hovercraft technology
that they can land on the water and land equally, in

H. : No, no, no. I have contact to England to the University
of London, Southbank University. They are also
constructing small solar powered gliders, but not the crew
which you just named.

M. : And there are also a few companies in Germany who
are also making airships. Recently one of them made an
airship, packed it and send it to Japan, they unpacked it
within nine days and they could use it. I wonder what is
your knowledge about the airship, airship-industry, the
designers, makers. Because on your website I honestly
became very impressed. I only had the news on the solar
airship from a Japanese scientist about a year ago, that I
read online, he was preparing a solar airship for the 2005
Paris Expo show for airships, and that was it and the rest of
the time I was all the time searching and studying, and
researching. How can we bring this technology at this time?

H. : You are more interested in airships then in the solar
panels, is that right?

M. : I am interested in the solar technology, as well as the
wind and the small hydro plant. Cause as I mentioned at the
I am the director of Fresh Air Interactive. And what I do is
with also studing the music and filmmaking, my focus is on
cleaning the air, our environment. For example, I was born
in Iran, Tehran
but I had a destiny of travelling around the world, and
studying, educating myself, and now I see the Caspian Sea,
with five countries around, none of them having the
knowledge of what is available now. They are just
destroying the environment and making people sick and it's
not the way that I can agree with it. So I have to do
something about it. And that is how I have been uploading
my work on the page - Fascinating Rise is one of them. A
few pages through the last 5 or 6 years on the internet. And
now I see we're getting closer and closer to the point to turn
the page in the East, with bringing the solar technology as
the highlight of our activity. Because with the solar, people
truly become clean. It is first a clean mind who can look
into this technology.

H. : Yes, But I am not the right partner for that. I am only
a constructor or a manufacturer for very high efficient
solar panels, and very high cost intensive solar panels. So
what you need is a company which can give you advice for
the common production of energy with comm on solar
panels. That is quite different with that what I do.

M. : Well, I was hoping with the 15 million German people,
awaken and aware about the environment, active at this
time, we can join our powers and bring the solar airship
and fly to the Caspian Sea. And show how people can make
themselves, whether it's a simple little panel for their radio
receiving or for an oven. For whatever it is. And we also
have another technology in Europe, I wonder if you are
aware of that one. It's name is Solkav, and it started 25
years ago.

H. : What is the name? Sol...??

M. : Solkav, it's an abbreviation for Kaveh. Kaveh is a
name for a brave soul, and since it was discovered by two
Iranian brothers. Twenty five years ago they were in
Austria and they could put it to the test. It went on and
they made more than ten thousand installations and they
won many awards. They came up first with the idea of
instead of burning the oil, let's make caouchouc which is one
of the materials possible out of it. And with the caouchouc,
which is something like rubber, let's make water tubes and
put them around the swimming pools, because we don't need
boiling water to swim in it, we just want to warm up the
water. When they try this they don't know by the winter
the water is gonna boil. The material interact, they didn't
know, so they stop the process and they add another device
to it and use the extra heat for space heating.

H. : So your request is more to the solar panels, or ...?

M. : Yes, I wanna know what is your vision for solar
airships. you have your idea of putting solar cells,
photovoltaic cells of your choice that I understand you have
a lot of knowledge about it. We put it on the body of the
balloon of the helium, or we put it on the gondola, how did
you imagine, envision and think that this is a possibility?

H. : The possibility is to put it on the airship, outside, on top,
or on the ballon. There are two types of airships, in
Germany we call it Zeppelin. That means only the form of
the airship. The point is that I manufacture these very light
weight modules which have an own stiffness and so it should
be more an airship then a balloon, an air balloon. For
several reasons, until now it was only used on airships.

M. : Yes, now, thank you very much for your time. Let me
also send you these informations that I pointed out like the
SkyYacht and Mr. Munk design, and the other ones that I
discovered. So we can hopefully come up with a program
that never was cause everything is changing momentarily
as we know.

H. : Do you have my email in the Internet site? Be so kind
and send me your information. And if you are in a project
phase and you think about the real construction of such an
airship or similar way we can have contact about let's say
power output per area and weight and so on, and also on
the costs of those special cells.

M. : Wonderful, it would be great. One last question -before I
say have the best of time, not only a good time- is: do you
know also anything about solar fibre. I read on the
Scientists Online that now in Stuttgart University, some
scientists noticed the solar fibre, that they can make sail for
the boats out of it, jacket for the handy communication
devices out of it ...

H. : Solar... what, how do you call it?

M. : ...Fibre, Solar fibre. When we can make a jacket out of
it. And power our telephone with it.

H. : Oh, no no no no no, that is, that is, that is Ha, that is,
that is future. That is future, no no no, that is not realistic.

M. : Yes, exactly. Well, I would like to welcome you to the
present from the future because you are a future soul too.

H . : Ya Ya, Ha Ha, but I am in this business with solar cells
nearly forty years now and ...

M. : That is great! I really admire your effort and your
knowledge and the way that you also with your heart are
sharing the knowledge, yes? This is the best of it! I hope to
see you in person as soon as possible. Do you also have the
Netmeeting possibility, with your computers and your

H. : What is Netmeeting?

M. : Netmeeting is we can contact each other as well as
through the email, through audio visual, putting up a video
camera and ..

H. : No, I have not that possibility, unfortunately not.

M. : Ok, we can work on that too together. I will send you
the information in the email and we will have a better time

H. : Fine!

M. :Thank you very much!

H. : Thank you very much!

M. : Bye bye.

H. : Bye Bye.

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